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Edmonton Oilers NHL BTS


As a seasoned Oilers NHL cameraman with over two decades of trust, and recognized as an award-winning Documentary Cinematographer, I bring a wealth of unique storytelling experiences to the table. Now, you can harness the power of professional video production to elevate your brand. Let's collaborate to craft a narrative that not only resonates and inspires but also fosters growth within your community. Collaboratively, we'll revamp your content and tap into its actionable value, crafting captivating visual narratives that draw positive attention and engagement.

Official trusted NHL Professional Camera
NHL Oilers Camera behind the Scenes

Actionable Value through Video

Professional video learning modules offer dynamic, engaging ways to convey information. These modules integrate high-quality visuals, clear narration, and interactive elements to enhance comprehension and retention

The Edmonton Police Service hired me to produce this Documentary for them. The focus on Indigenous Ways of Knowing and the land's story is both important and timely. By exploring this subject matter in depth and respect, you have the potential to create a ripple effect that will be felt for generations to come. And by fostering respectful knowledge translation, you can help build stronger relationships and promote greater understanding between different communities.

Provide value for your community.

Oilers Entertainment Group hired me to produce this amazing local story.  


Boyle Street Community Centre and their community support.

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